
To be the first profitable team in Ecuador by developing the greatest sports talents in the country, in an integral manner and with specialized education. Sports, technological, as well as other types of innovation will be the drivers of our success.

Atlético Kin was created by an association of talented individuals that seek to change Ecuadorian and global soccer forever. We are young people highly trained and specialized in sports research and innovation who aim to become the next generation of sports manager, capable of elevating the sport and our team to a next level.

Most soccer players suffer from the poor conditions offered in their workplaces and career paths. Besides offering dignified remuneration, we promise to offer a complete education for our soccer players, such that in the future they may adapt to other workplaces and industries and succeed as citizens and members of society.

We are different…

We are Atlético Kin, and we are going to change Ecuadorian soccer!